


From many times people consider that butter is a product of milk and it is afact that,s why it is not good for health and we should use margarine . It was the propaganda of margarine making companies . 
But now it is the fresh report of 'mail on line', it has been shown that butter is a good flavoured thing than margarine and a human being is using it from many many years without any side effects .
People were using it in cooking also . Than why we use margarine instead of butter as we know that it is made up of very synthetic and bad flavoured artificial products . 
Industrialists use different chemical ingredients in it and very cheap and bad oil is used . In this report it has been also said that yellow colour is also used . It was very wrong propaganda of heart problems and cholesterol. Now people beleive that natural fats which are in dairy products and meat is very good for health . Natural fats are main parts of our cell membranes it is very necessary for some harmones in our body .   These fats also work for absorbing minerals and vitamins in our body.

Herbal Cure Of Acne

Herbal treatments whether taken by work of mouth or applied directly to the skin can assist in curing acne. For example, Echinacea is an advantageous herb. As it dilates the activities of White Blood Cells. It can fight acne and it strengthens the Immune System.
It avoids inflammation. This can be applied directly or orally to the skin.

Oregon Grape Root also aids in removing acne. As it has a peculiarity of being anti-bacterial. It also flushes out harmful substances such as Toxins and Bacteria.
Tea-tree Oil is another citation. It annihilates Bacteria and other acne-related abrasions.

Other herbs can also be used; for instance Vitex. Sometimes the imbalance of hormones and their levels can cause acne. Vitex promotes the balancing of hormonal levels. Lavender also helps in such problems. Acne sometimes can cause inflammation and septic problems. So, Lavender prevents these problems by producing such an oil. Raw Aloe Vera gel can be applied directly to the skin thus producing an Anti-bacterial liquid to avoid acne.  In Acne, skin tissues are slightly damaged. Hence Calendula is such a herb that has a healing power which regenerates the skin tissues.
We can cure all the acne problems through these herbs.

How To Soothe A Toothache

Toothache is a very prosaic health related problem. It is usually due to the swelling up of the inner tooth caused by the Bacteria. It may be instigated by the falling off of the loose crown or a filling in the tooth. Palpitation, sensitivity and sudden agony are encountered.

Following are some of the very medicaments to recover a toothache.

Cloves are very useful for this sort of infirmity. Chew on it till the juice leaks out.
Also rubbing of Clove Oil on the pain-instigating teeth and gums can be soothed. Toothache can be really agonizing! To remove such pain, Salt Water is the exquisite remedy for it.
Mixing a solution of water and salt, positioning it in mouth and gargling or having the solution in mouth for a while can relieve the pang.

Another healing source could be Rocksalt and Garlic. Putting Garlic together with Rock Salt on the teeth which is sore can curtail the spasm of pain you are going through. A divergent and swift recovery method could be gripping a hot tea bag against the sore teeth. The most familiar medicament for alleviating the pain is by putting an ice cube.



If you are not looking  some colours exactly than you are colour blind . In the world one man in 12 men and one woman in 200 women are colour blind . Only in U.K 27 lac people are colour blind which is 45 percent of total population . Men are more than women . There are many reasons of colour blindness. It is a genetic problem usually and transferred in children from their mothers . But it is due to diabetes or multiple sclerossis also or in old age it may be due to the side effects of medicines . Many people who are colour blind cannot see red ,green and blue light . There are many types of colour blindness 

Take Meal At A Right Time


If you are conscious of your weight than your timing of taking meal is also very necessary to maintain . Researchers say that if you are taking lunch very late than you will have problems to loose your weight.



Looking beautiful is a weak point of awoman .They take different steps for this. But now adays every woman is crazy about their body figure, fitness and smart body . The main reason is looking beautiful but heavy weight and heavy body is also not good for health. Doctors also advise that obesity must be avoided. Media is also responsible for this beauty because we see beautiful heroines and models on T.V., videos and magazines.They look very beautiful because their body look beautiful , and make their size zero . SIZE ZERO has become a craze among young ladies . I am not saying that you should not maintain yourself but the main thing is that how you are doing that what are your tips . You must be very careful about that.


Indian actress Karina have made her body size zero but every woman is crazy about that but giving up food is not the solution because it will effect your health . The fitness trainer of Karina has given statement that Karina takes one fruit after waking up in the morning in between half an hour and than eat in some quantity after every two hours . If you are doing some tough work  than increase your quantity of food and at least take your dinner before two hours when you go to bed . It does not mean that you give up eating  food which is your favourite but take it in less quantity. Take nutritious food and healthy meal but balanced diet. It takes time to become smart it is not possible in some days .Crash dieting have many side effects .Some exercises and walk or jogging is also good for health and fitness.



Noone is perfect in this world. So, there is no perfection in marriage also. First of all accept this that your life partner is a common man and he can also do mistakes than you will win half war . There are some tips about your good relationship with your life partner. 


It is very necessary that you and your life partner share personal problems . You must be free with each other like friends . Giving opinions to make your present good and planning about future of family and children is very necessary , but keep in mind that listening is also necessary than speaking , because the language of silence solve many problems , because if two persons talk and noone listen than it becomes fight.


Expecting more is very dangerous because every human being is a normal person than don,t expect your life partner as a filmi hero or a superman etc. It is a reality don,t idealize very much and don,t see him or her as a perfect person and also don,t compare him or her with anyone also.